Google Calendar Dark Mode

Calendar is so bright I can see the floaters in my eyes

FTGoogleCalDarkMode.user.css is a self-hosted user.css file powered by the Stylus browser extension. This stylesheet adds Dark Mode to Google Calendar.

Installation Steps

  1. Install the Stylus browser extension for either Chrome or Firefox.
  2. Click this install button:
    Install Stylus Theme
  3. Click "Install Style" in the top left.

Now your Google Calendar should be in a spiffy dark mode UI theme! As I update the stylesheet to account for future updates to the Calendar UI, it will be automatically synced to you.

View Code on GitHub


  • Themed the Create button drop down menu.
  • Themed the Event Time Zone selection modal window.

  • Clean up homepage UI discrepancies stemming from class name changes on Google's side.
  • Clean up Create/Edit Event screen discrepancies stemming from class name changes on Google's side.
  • Override icon colors to be forced into the same color states as the rest of their neighbors.
  • Changed box models of various Create/Edit Event screen UI elements to make them all align. This feels like a bug on Google's side with negative margins that may get fixed at some point.
  • Themed the Create/Edit Event screen dropdowns and in-form buttons.
  • Themed the Calendar view selector (week, month, etc).

  • Fixed theming issues with the top left calendar and date picker.
  • Themed the collapsable right side panel.
  • Edit event title colors.

  • First Release Candidate.
  • Init core variables and override Google variables.
  • Create global color and background-color override statements.
  • Automatic update URL hosted by GitHub Pages deployment.
  • Let there be darkness!