Google Docs Dark Mode

Text Documents, Sheets, and the Drive UI

FTGoogleDocsDarkMode.user.css is a self-hosted user.css file powered by the Stylus browser extension. This stylesheet adds Dark Mode to Google Docs, Sheets, Drive, Contacts, and Share modals.

Installation Steps

  1. Install the Stylus browser extension for either Chrome or Firefox.
  2. Click this install button:
    Install Stylus Theme
  3. Click "Install Style" in the top left.

Now your Google Docs and Drive UI should be in a spiffy dark mode theme! As I update the stylesheet to account for future updates, it will be automatically synced to you.

This is not as hand-crafted as the Google Calendar Dark Mode theme, so there are some rough edges. But it gets (most) of the job done with a far simpler method.

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  • First Release Candidate.
  • Init global hue shifts with counters for media, icons, and background images.
  • Let there be darkness!